Finding the correct lapel width for your suit is often overlooked by many gentlemen. However, the correct width of your lapel combined with your body type is the key to a truly balanced look.
“So which lapel is best for me?” you may ask.
Firstly, the ‘Slim Lapel’, this lapel should be steered well clear of if you are of an average or larger build. This lapel type suits a gentleman with a slimmer build.
Next the ‘Regular Lapel’, this a fashion constant that never goes out of fashion, just about every suit you buy straight of the rack will have a regular lapel. Any body shape works well with the Regular lapel width.
Last but definitely not least, the ‘Wide Lapel’. You may think it lends itself to a larger built gentleman, however just about any man can pull off a wider lapel. If you are after a style that gives you a more dominant or even imposing edge, then this is the way to go.
If you are unsure of which lapel works for you, fear not Gents the Suit Society team are here to help. Book a free appointment here on or drop a message on our socials.
Carry on Gentlemen
Suit Society